Welcome to the 55th Reunion for the Great Class of 1970!
To register for reunions, you will need your TigerNet ID and Password. If you need assistance with TigerNet, or forgot your ID or password, please contact the TigerNet Help Desk, tigernet@princeton.edu or call 609-258-1542 (Mon-Fri 8AM-8PM, Sat-Sun 8AM-4PM EST)
A few reminders as you register: Registration must be completed in one sitting. You cannot stop, save and then return to complete the registration at a later time. The system will not save your work. It will take about 20 minutes to register yourself and spouse, with added time depending on the number of guests. Also be sure you have handy children ages and sizes and your credit card.
Housing – There are three campus vicinity housing options; the dorms surrounding our headquarters at Scully Hall, dorm rooms on the Princeton Theological Seminary (PTS) campus and the Edrman Center seminary guest house at PTS. The two seminary options are within reasonable walking distance from the main campus and our HQ. On campus housing in Scully dorms or at the Princeton Theological Seminary dorms are reserved by the bed and at Erdman Center reservations are by the room and these options are available on the registration site. If registering for the Scully dorms or Seminary dorms request a bed for each person, and on the form you can indicate with whom you want to share a room and that information will be used to assign the rooms. (for Erdman see special note below)
We also have blocks of beds at hotels on Route One—if you want information regarding this contact Mike Mueller (muellerautoco@sbcglobal.net). Similarly if you need housing for Wednesday night contact Mike Mueller.
If you are staying on campus or at one of the seminary options and are bringing small children or grandchildren you can consider having them use an air mattress and sleeping bag in your room to avoid having to reserve a bed (and its attendant cost) for them.
Also if you are bringing very young children be aware that the rooms in Scully may be a little noisy at night with the bands and partying.
If you are put on a waiting list for housing in Scully, the Seminary or Erdman be sure to have alternate plans in place as cancellations are rare.
Special Note for Erdman Housing – If you request Erdman you are requesting a room and from the description you will be able to calculate how many of your group can use the room. For example you might simply take a room with private bath for yourself or you might take a family suite which could hold yourself, your wife, and a child or grandchild as it has one full size bed and one twin bed. In that case for yourself you would request the family suite in the housing section but for your wife and child or grandchild you would mark that no housing is necessary (as they will be staying in the room you reserved under your name) Any questions contact Ralph Binder at ralphbinder48@gmail.com
For more information on Erdman Center (but not reservations which are made on our registration site) see: https://ptsem.edu/about/visitor-information/welcome/lodging/
Merchandise—Some items are included for registering Classmates, their primary guest and children. Certain other items eg class photo, class commemorative item. can be purchased as desired.
If you do not have, or want a new Class Blazer: We have a limited number of class blazers (bug jacket) in stock. Please check with Mike Camp (mcamp@criterion.com) to see if we have your size. If your size is not available, you can order one for delivery at Reunions registration for $395. Orders should indicate size (eg 38, 40, 42 etc. and specify Regular, Long or Short) and be placed no later than Feb 15, 2025. If you are interested contact Curt Fitzgerald (curt.fitz@me.com).
The following items will be available at our ‘Free Store’ at reunions on a first come first served basis: Beer cans, Beer cozies, Class belts, PU ties (regular and bow) selected polo shirts, tee shirts, sashses, umbrellas, Goheen Hats and Key Rings.
Golf Carts— Golf cart registrations are not handled through our reunion registration site or form. The University – and not the class—is the exclusive source of golf carts. If you need a golf cart for the P-rade or reunions (can only be used on campus, not the Seminary or Erdman) we will send out a link for reservations once we receive it from the University. Please note that. with the extensive roving golf cart (“rover”) service now provided by the University, there is little need to rent a personal golf cart.
Special Children’s Event (best for ages 3-10/11)– Mae Miller has arranged to have the American Classical Orchestra present ‘Peter and the Wolf’ in Alexander Hall on Friday at 2:30 PM (doors open 2:15). You can reserve seats as part of the registration process Seating is limited so please only reserve tickets for seats you definitely plan to use.
Remember that when you register a child or grandchild it is age as of May 22, 2025. For purposes of registration, a child is someone below 21 years of age. Children aged 21 and above are adult guests.
We do not want the cost of reunions to keep any classmate from attending reunions. If you need financial assistance on a confidential basis contact Gregg Lange (gregglange@earthlink.net).
Golf Outing – If you plan to join the golf outing you must sign up by May 1 as Steve Davidson has to give our commitment to Springdale Golf club at that time.
We are looking forward to seeing you!!